An introduction to how SBS play an essential role in the fight against HAIs, and how symbols have been developed to help the end user handle and present the device safely.
A guide to the new symbols, designed and validated by the SBA to support ISO 15223-1. The new symbols are designed to show the end user the construction of the Sterile Barrier System (SBS) and which layers of the packaging system are there as Protective Packaging (PP) and which are there to provide a Sterile Barrier.
At times of healthcare crisis such as Covid-19, Ebola, Sars and other epidemics or pandemics, the importance of an effective Sterile Barrier System is paramount in the fight to help prevent the further spread of the disease.
Een inleiding over hoe SBS een essentiële rol speelt in de strijd tegen zorg gerelateerde infecties en hoe symbolen zijn ontwikkeld om de eindgebruiker te helpen bij het veilig hanteren en presenteren van het medisch hulpmiddel
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Dutch Language
Een handleiding voor de nieuwe symbolen, ontworpen en gevalideerd door de SBA ter ondersteuning van ISO 15223-1. De nieuwe symbolen zijn ontworpen om de eindgebruiker de constructie van het Steriele Barrière System (SBS) te tonen en om duidelijk te maken welke lagen van het verpakkingssysteem de beschermede verpakking zijn en welke lagen de steriele barrière vormen.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Dutch Language
In tijden van crisis in de gezondheidszorg, zoals Covid-19, ebola, Sars en andere epidemieën of pandemieën, is het belang van een effectief steriel barrièresysteem van het grootste belang in de strijd om de verdere verspreiding van de ziekte te helpen voorkomen.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Dutch Language
Johdanto SBS:n tärkeään rooliin taistelussa HAI:ta vastaan ja kuinka symboleja on kehitetty auttamaan loppukäyttäjää laitteiden turvallisessa käsittelyssä ja esillepanossa.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Finnish Language
Opas uusiin symboleihin, jotka SBA on suunnitellut ja validoinut tukemaan ISO 15223-1 -standardia. Uudet symbolit on suunniteltu osoittamaan loppukäyttäjälle steriilin estojärjestelmän (SBS) rakenne, ja mitkä pakkausjärjestelmän kerrokset ovat suojapakkauksia (PP) ja mitkä toimivat mikrobisuojana.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Finnish Language
Terveydenhuollon kriisien kuten Covid-19, Ebola, Sars ja muiden epidemioiden ja pandemioiden aikana tehokkaiden steriilien estojärjestelmien merkitys taistelussa taudin leviämistä vastaan on ensiarvoisen tärkeä.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Finnish Language
Une introduction à la façon dont le SBS joue un rôle essentiel dans la lutte contre les IAS, et comment des symboles ont été développés pour aider l’utilisateur final à manipuler et à présenter l’appareil en toute sécurité.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – French Language
Un guide des nouveaux symboles, conçu et validé par le SBA pour soutenir la norme ISO 15223-1. Les nouveaux symboles sont conçus pour montrer à l’utilisateur final la construction du système de barrière stérile (SBS) et quelles couches du système d’emballage sont là en tant qu’emballage de protection (PP) et quelles couches sont là pour fournir une barrière stérile.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – French Language
En période de crise dans le domaine des soins de santé, telle que Covid-19, Ebola, Sars et autres épidémies ou pandémies, l’importance d’un système de barrière stérile efficace est primordiale dans la lutte pour aider à prévenir la propagation de la maladie.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – French Language
Eine Einführung, inwiefern SBS eine wesentliche Rolle im Kampf gegen nosokomiale Infektionen spielen und wie Symbole entwickelt wurden, die dem Anwender helfen, Produkte sicher zu handhaben und zu präsentieren.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An Introduction – German Language
Ein Leitfaden zu den neuen Symbolen, entworfen und validiert von der SBA zur Unterstützung der ISO 15223-1. Die neuen Symbole sollen dem Anwender zeigen, wie das Sterilbarrieresystem (SBS) aufgebaut ist und welche Schichten des Verpackungssystems als Schutzverpackung (PP) und welche als Sterilbarriere dienen.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – German Language
In Zeiten von Krisen im Gesundheitswesen, wie Covid-19, Ebola, Sars und anderen Epidemien oder Pandemien ist ein wirksames Sterilbarrieresystem im Kampf gegen eine weitere Ausbreitung der Krankheiten von größter Bedeutung.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – German Language
Un’ introduzione su come l’SBS giochi un ruolo essenziale nella lotta contro le HAIs, come i simboli siano stati sviluppati per aiutare l’utente finale a gestire e presentare il dispositivo in modo sicuro.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Italian Language
Una guida ai nuovi simboli, disegnata e validata dall’SBA per supportare ISO 15223-1. I nuovi simboli sono disegnati per mostrare all’utente finale la costruzione del Sistema di Barriera Sterile (SBS) e quali strati del packaging funzionino da Packaging Protettivo (PP) e quali siano quelli che forniscono la Barriera Sterile.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Italian Language
In tempi di crisi sanitarie come il Covid-19, Ebola, Sars e altre epidemie o pandemie, l’importanza di un Sistema di Barriera Sterile efficace, è fondamentale nella lotta per aiutare a prevenire un’ulteriore diffusione della malattia.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Italian Language
Uma introdução sobre como os SBS desempenham um papel essencial na luta contra as IACS e como os símbolos foram concebidos para ajudar o utilizador final a manusear e a apresentar os dispositivos com segurança.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Portuguese Language
Um guia sobre os novos símbolos, concebido e validado pela SBA para oferecer apoio à norma ISO 15223-1. Os novos símbolos foram criados para mostrar ao utilizador final a estrutura do sistema de barreira esterilizada (SBS) e quais as camadas dessa estrutura que funcionam como embalagem protetora (PP) e as que se destinam a proporcionar uma barreira esterilizada.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Portuguese Language
Em tempos de crise de saúde, como é o caso da COVID-19, ébola, Sars e outras epidemias ou pandemias, a importância de um sistema de barreira esterilizada eficaz é fundamental na luta para ajudar a prevenir a propagação da doença.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Portuguese Language
Introducción sobre cómo los SBE juegan un papel esencial en la lucha contra las IAAS y sobre los símbolos desarrollados para ayudar al usuario final, en el uso y manejo seguro de los dispositivos médicos
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Spanish Language
Guía sobre los nuevos símbolos, diseñada y validad por la SBA conforme a la ISO 15223-1. Los nuevos símbolos se han diseñado para mostrar al usuario final la construcción del Sistema de Barrera Estéril (SBE): cuantas capas de dicho sistema se consideran Embalaje de Protección (EP/PP) y cuáles se consideran una Barrera Estéril
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Spanish Language
Cuando se produce una crisis sanitaria como el Covid-19, Ébola, SARS o cualquier otra epidemia o pandemia, la importancia de un Sistema de Barrera Estéril efectivo es fundamental en la lucha contra la propagación de la enfermedad.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Spanish Language
En introduktion hur SBS spelar en viktig roll I kampen mot infektioner, och hur symboler har utvecklats för att hjälpa slutanvändare hantera och presentera medicintekniska produkter på ett säkert sätt.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Swedish Language
En guide till de nya symbolerna, som är utvecklade och validerade av SBA för att stödja ISO 15223-1. De nya symbolerna är utvecklade för att visa slutanvändarna SBS konstruktionen, dvs vilka lager är som är skyddsförpackning och vilka lager son utgör steril barriär.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Swedish Language
I tider av vårdkris som Covid-19, Ebola, Sars och andra epidemier eller pandemier, är det av yttersta vikt att ha en effektiv steril barriär System i kampen att förhindra en ytterligare spridning av sjukdomar.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Swedish Language
SBS nin HAIS ya karşı savaş da nasıl önemli bir rol oynadığının ve cihazların son kullanıcıya güvenli bir şekilde ulaşması ve sunulmasına yardımcı olmak için sembollerin nasıl geliştirildiğinin tanıtımı
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Turkish Language
ISO 15223-1 ‘I desteklemek için SBA tarafından tasarlanan ve doğrulanan yeni sembol rehberi. Yeni semboller Steril Bariyer Sistemlerinin (SBA) yapısında hangi katmanın Koruyucu Ambalaj (PP) hangi katmanın Steril Bariyer olduğunu son kullanıcıya göstermek için tasarlanmıştır.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Turkish Language
Covid-19, Ebola, Sars ve diğer epidemi yada pandemiler gibi sağlık krizleri zamanlarında efektif Steril Bariyer Sistemleri hastalığın daha fazla yayılmasını önlemeye yardımcı olmak için mücadelede çok önemlidir.
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Turkish Language
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An Introduction – Chinese Language
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Chinese Language
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Chinese Language
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – An introduction – Japanese Language
ISO 15223-1をサポートするために滅菌バリア協会が開発した新しいシンボルのためのガイドです。新しいシンボルは使用者へ無菌バリアシステムと微生物バリア性を持たない保護包装を識別するためにデザインされました
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Aseptic presentation, a new way forward – Japanese Language
Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) – Use of a SBS in a healthcare crisis – Japanese Language
Descriptions of different types of Sterile Barrier packaging and their use.
The video also describes the processing, storage and aseptic presentation techniques to ensure sterility is maintained up to the point of use.
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Follow the story of a patient experience in hospital and the important role of sterile barrier systems in infection control
Informative film on how sterile barriers are designed to be fit for purpose including details of how microbial barriers and different sterilisation processes work.
Sistemas de Barrera Estéril indispensables para prevenir Infecciones Vinculadas al Entorno Sanitario.
Video informativo sobre cómo las barreras estériles se diseñan para cumplir un propósito, incluyendo detalles sobre el funcionamiento de las barreras microbiológicas y los diferentes procesos de esterilización.