We’re delighted to welcome Hanna-Kaisa Kyyrönen to the SBA as our new Committee Manager. The Committee Manager is a pivotal role in our Association as it helps drive forward the important work of our four Committees (Sustainability, Regulatory, Education and Market Statistics).

Each of our Committees is led by a committed group of members who use their expertise and networks to raise awareness and understanding of sterile barrier systems and ensure this sophisticated medical packaging is properly represented within regulatory change. Hanna-Kaisa will be the single point of contact for the 20+ Committee members, providing guidance and support and ensuring a coherent plan across their activities.

“Our Committees were formed three years ago and have made huge strides already to bring about change and awareness for sterile barrier systems and how they protect patients. With deep experience in healthcare and project management and her positive energy, I know Hanna-Kaisa be a valuable asset to the work we do.”
Nina Tillaeus, Director General of the SBA

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